Initial Intake Session
This is where we’ll start. I will meet with you for an 80-minute initial intake session in order to find out more about you and what brings you in. Together we’ll get an idea of what your counseling goals are and start to develop a road map to help you get to where you want to be.
$280 / 80 minutes
Individual Counseling
This is the one-on-one work. After our initial intake session, we’ll schedule a time to meet either each week or every other week for 50-minute sessions. During each individual counseling session, we’ll talk about what’s on your mind, process your experiences, develop skills and work towards your goals together.
$170 / 50 minutes
Trauma Treatment
Depending on your goals, together we may choose to use a trauma-specific treatment modality like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) or Reprocessing of Traumatic Memories (RTM) in our work together to target your trauma history and reduce your current symptoms. Ideally, these are 80-minute sessions, giving us the extra time needed to ease gently in and out of trauma work during each meeting. If 80-minute sessions are time or cost prohibitive, we can make arrangements for shorter, 50-minute sessions as needed.
$280 / 80 minutes
$175 / 50 minutes
I do not accept insurance, but I am happy to provide documentation for you to submit
to your insurance provider to request possible reimbursement yourself.
Please note that I am now working both virtually and in-person!
S p e c i a l t i e s
In the psychological sense, trauma is an emotional response to a deeply disturbing or distressing experience that happens to us (or that we witness) in our lives, which overwhelms our ability to cope. Traumatic events can be acute (a one-time experience with a beginning and end) or they can be ongoing, complex situations. Sometimes, our trauma histories are unique to our own experiences, and other times they include community or intergenerational experiences shared with others. From childhood abuse and neglect and sexual assault, to military combat and the experience of natural disasters, trauma covers a whole range of life's stressful experiences. Having a reaction to a traumatic event is to be expected-- it means you're having a “normal” reaction to an “abnormal” experience. But when the impacts of trauma linger and grow, it's time to seek out help.
If this sounds like you, please reach out for help. I’d love to help you take your life back! Together, we can work to establish safety and peace in the present, allowing you to release yourself from memories of the past. I utilize evidence based treatment modalities such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Reprocessing of Traumatic Memories (RTM) in treating trauma, balanced with elements of mindfulness practice, education and radical compassion.
Find out more about EMDR here
Find out more about RTM here
These are strange times! Anxiety is a real part of every day life for so many of us. In fact, I would argue that these days it's more common to experience some level of anxiety in some situations than none at all. But often anxiety can build up and become overwhelming. Whether your anxiety is related to your trauma history, a specific fear, or more of a generalized, every day experience, I can help you develop the tools and perspective that will allow you to free yourself from anxiety's grip.
We all experience challenging emotions and shifts in our moods-- that's part of the human experience. But prolonged periods of sadness, low-energy and lack of motivation can have a real impact on our lives. Experiencing depression can feel like sinking into quicksand, where finding a way out can seem equally impossible and exhausting. But there is hope! Through our work together, I can help by throwing you a life-line you can use to pull yourself back out.